The deep, burning chest pain, the discomfort, the sour taste of bile in the back of your throat. If you’re one of the 15 million Americans that suffer from these heartburn symptoms every single day, keep reading!

Heartburn is one of the most misunderstood disorders known to man. That’s because of 3 BIG LIES that everyone’s been told and believes to be true: 


LIE #1: Heartburn is caused by too much stomach acid.


Actually the complete opposite is true! An ample amount of stomach acid is essential for proper digestion. Built up gas and pressure in the abdominal cavity is actually the true cause of heartburn.

This pressure causes the lower esophageal valve (LES) to open, allowing acid to hit your throat giving you all your painful symptoms. This gas and pressure is caused by an excess of bad gut bacteria, which grows when there’s not enough acid to properly digest your food.


LIE #2: PPIs and Antacids will help your symptoms.


Most people automatically go for an antacid or PPI medication when they experience heartburn. The problem is that these medications are designed to reduce and slow the body’s production of stomach acid, under the false idea that too much acid is causing the heartburn. Since heartburn is actually caused by too little acid, rather than too much, it only makes sense that they would make symptoms worse for many people.
Try taking a Betaine HCl supplement if you’re looking for something that will actually help. Betaine hydrochloric acid is one of the main components of stomach acid. Supplementing it gives your digestive system the boost it needs for full nutrient breakdown.

LIE #3: Pepsin will help your symptoms.


If you start looking for a Betaine HCL supplement, you’ll notice that most of them contain pepsin. Pepsin is a protein digesting enzyme. It may seem logical to think that it would help the HCL break down food. The problem is that many people are sensitive to pepsin. It can cause a reaction in your gut, which is the last thing you want if you suffer from acid reflux! Here’s an all natural Betaine HCL supplement that contains NO PEPSIN: 
It’s proven to support digestion and detoxify your gut, making it impossible for gas and pressure to build.

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