Green tea makes the perfect warm, calming drink on a cold winter day. But did you know that green tea is actually one of the healthiest beverages on the planet? When you enjoy a hot, relaxing cup of green tea, you’re also enjoying these 3 incredible health benefits:

  1. Better Brain Function and Cognition

    Green teacontains an amino acid called L-theanine which is proven to increase neurotransmitter activity, dopamine and alpha brain wave production. It’s also a mild stimulant with just the right amount of caffeine to step up your cognitive function without making you “jittery.”

  2. Helps Weight Loss and Fat Burning

    Controlled studies have shown that green tea can give your metabolism a short-term boost. Also, regular consumption has also shown to naturally cause your body to burn more fat. In fact, one trial studying 240 men and women showed a significant reduction in body fat percentage, body weight and waist line after a 12 week period of drinking green tea daily!

  3. Improves Immune System and Defends Against Diseases

    Green tea contains compounds called catechins, which kill bacteria, inhibit virus growth and reduce the risk of infection! It is also a potent source of antioxidants. That’s important because studies have shown the important role antioxidants play in preventing serious disorders like cancer and heart disease.

Green tea is the least processed, and therefore the healthiest kind of tea with the most health benefits. Its high antioxidant content along with its polyphenols and amino acids make it one of the most powerful, effective superfoods you can add to your diet! Filling your daily diet with healthy superfoods like green tea can completely change your life for the better.

Click here for 100 more potent superfoods that you should start adding to your diet immediately!

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