You know how certain foods seem to always be served together to make familiar meals? The types of foods that you eat together at each meal are crucial to your energy levels. Good and bad meal combinations are a major factor for overall health and wellness.

Some foods compliment each other and are good for your body when they are eaten together. While others simply DO NOT MIX.
You’ve probably had these 3 classic meal combinations before:
  1. Meat and Potatoes
  2. Milk and Cereal
  3. Fish and Rice

It’s hard to believe, but all of those combinations are actually destructive to your internal system and rob your body of energy!I was shocked when I found out! How could such common, traditional dishes make people feel so drained and tired?

It all comes down to digestion, the pH levels of your body and the foods you put into it. Different types of foods are digested differently. Proteins like meat require and acidic medium for digestion, while starchy foods require alkaline digestive medium.
When eaten together, they severely impair digestion, forcing your body to use more energy to properly digest them. That’s why you may have noticed yourself feeling sluggish or groggy after eating the 3 meals I listed above.
But it’s worse than just feeling tired. When you mix the wrong foods together, it throws the acidity levels of your body out of wack, making you more susceptible to diseases. By implementing an alkaline diet, you can keep your body in its proper pH state, where your immune system is strong and you have way more energy!
To learn more about the alkaline diet, check out this video:
It will reveal 3 alkaline secrets that will boost your immune system and give you more energy!

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